
城市热点 119℃

  孙晓东,毕业于中国人民大学,民主党派成员,国家一级画家,享国务院特珠津贴。历任: 中国文联书画艺术中心顾问,中外水墨艺术学会秘书长,国家博物馆特聘研究员,CCTV《品牌中国》栏目艺术顾问,原文化部乡土艺术协会民族艺委会副主任, 教育部智慧工程研究会书画公益基金顾问,中国东方文化研究会研究员,香港特别行政区文联高级顾问,中美协名家艺委会委员,国典画院副院长,原中国画艺术研究院副院长。曾经担任清华大学、浙江大学、天津美术学院,中国管理科学研究院等多所高校和研究机构的客座教授。


  孙晓东的元宇宙《陨石系列》长度四百余米,面积达一千平方米,极具震撼力。画中的每一章节,都仿佛将观者带入一个神秘而壮观的未知世界,如同进入浩瀚无垠的星系,近距离观察奇异的宇宙天体。他的作品在艺术与科学的融合中创造出了无与伦比的视觉盛宴。巨大的篇章堪称世界之最!2023 年《陨石系列》 的部分作品被列入国家十四五重点研发项目,2023 年《陨石系列》的部分作品参加世界奥林匹克艺术大会开幕式首展,联合国国际艺术家联合总会授予孙晓东 2023 年度全球艺术十大杰出风云人物,获得世界文化交流伟大贡献奖,联合国际艺术大展(法国卢浮宫)卓越贡献奖等诸多奖项。

  元宇宙《陨石系列》能令人感悟到画家超凡脱俗的思想境界,见证其高超的笔墨操控能力和创作技巧。画家在继承与发扬中国传统水墨画的基础上大胆创新,勇于探索的学者精神令人赞叹!这幅跨越古今的世界级绘画作品, 必将在人类文明史上写下重要的一笔。

  孙晓东作品多次展出于国内外,多次举办个人画展和名家联展。从事艺术事业四十余年,一直将爱心奉献于社会,多次参与爱心公益事业。曾荣获中华民族杰出艺术家,人民艺术家,中国功勋艺术家,中华文化大使等荣誉称号。其业绩曾被载入《中国改革文存》《改革丰碑》《全国政协人才》《中国美术选集》《共和国记忆》《建党百年影响中国艺坛的 100 位艺术家》《中国美术百年经典》《中国历代书画名家》等国家大典和文献图书中。

  Sun Xiaodong, graduated from Renmin University ofChina, is a member of the Democratic Party, a nationalfirst-class painter, and enjoys the State CouncilSpecial Pearl Allowance. Previous positions: Advisorof the Calligraphy and Painting Art Center of theChinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles,Secretary General of the Chinese and Foreign Ink andPainting Art Society, Special Researcher of theNational Museum, Art Advisor of the CCTV "Brand China"Program, Deputy Director of the Ethnic Art Committeeof the Local Art Association of the Ministry of Culture,Advisor of the Calligraphy and Painting Public WelfareFund of the Smart Engineering Research Association ofthe Ministry of Education, Researcher of the ChinaOriental Culture Research Association, Senior Advisorof the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionFederation of Literary and Art Circles, Member of theArtistic Committee of the China US Association, VicePresident of the National Classic Painting Academy, andVice President of the former Chinese Painting ArtResearch Institute. I have served as a visitingprofessor at several universities and researchinstitutions, including Tsinghua University, ZhejiangUniversity, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and ChinaAcademy of Management Sciences.

  Sun Xiaodong spent ten years creating theunprecedented epic painting "Meteorite Series" in themetaverse. As the first Chinese artist in the world touse Chinese ink painting techniques to create giantcosmic themed paintings, Sun Xiaodong's contributionis enormous. He opened the way for Chinese painting toexplore the outer space field.

  Sun Xiaodong's Metaverse Meteorite Series is over400 meters long and covers an area of 1000 square meters,which is extremely impressive. Each chapter in thepainting seems to take the viewer into a mysterious andspectacular unknown world, as if entering a vast galaxyand observing strange celestial bodies up close. Hisworks have created an unparalleled visual feast throughthe fusion of art and science. A huge chapter can becalled the most in the world!

  The Metaverse Meteorite Series can evoke thepainter's extraordinary and extraordinary realm ofthought, witnessing his superb brushstroke controlability and creative skills. The painter's boldinnovation and exploration spirit on the basis ofinheriting and promoting traditional Chinese inkpainting is admirable! This world-class painting thatspans the past and present will undoubtedly make animportant contribution to the history of humancivilization.

  Sun Xiaodong's works have been exhibited multipletimes both domestically and internationally, withindividual art exhibitions and joint exhibitions byrenowned artists held multiple times. I have beenengaged in the art industry for more than 40 years,dedicating my love to society and participating incharitable causes multiple times. Has been awardedhonorary titles such as Outstanding Artist of theChinese Nation, People's Artist, Chinese MeritoriousArtist, and Chinese Cultural Ambassador. Hisachievements have been recorded in national monumentsand literature books such as "The Collection of ChineseReform Documents", "The Monument to Reform", "Talentsof the National Committee of the Chinese People'sPolitical Consultative Conference", "Selected Works ofChinese Art", "Memories of the Republic", "100 ArtistsInfluenced by the Founding of the Communist Party ofChina for a Century", "Classic of Chinese Art for aCentury", "Famous Calligraphers and Painters of AllDynasties in China".
