
城市热点 111℃

  中华国礼艺术家赵小刚博士艺术简介: 赵小刚,字亦雄,号关中赵氏,男,汉族,祖籍陕西富平,1958 年 7 月出生于陕西省武功县武功镇。出身书香世家,博士学位,美术教师,书画家,现居西安墨林轩。艺术家资质:中华非遗保护者,当代杰出艺术家,国家高级美术师,国家特级书法师,获“陕西省学校艺术教育先进工作者”,“国家艺术家金奖”,“新中国建设功勋人物",“新时代文艺领袖”等。目前为:国务院国宾礼特供艺术家,文旅部文化艺术名誉顾问,世界教科文组织艺术委员会首席艺术家艺术委员会执行委员,中央美术学院客座教授,台北故宫书画院名誉院长,英国皇家艺术学院终身客座教授,法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士,瑞典皇家艺术学院博士,世界华人艺术家联合会陕西省分会会长,全球华人总会陕西书画研究院院长,华侨国际同心会美术评委等。文运強则国运强,多年来坚持以高扬爱国主义的民族精神,对传统文化进行创造性改造和创新性发展的建设,已有多篇学术论文在核心期刋发表,其作品亦多次被驻外使节,出国留学以及商贸人员在国际文化沟通与交流中作为礼品馈赠与收藏。2015 年欧洲常青藤艺术联盟价值标准,1300 美金/平方英尺,2017 年中国价值标准(润格)书法 2万元人民币/平尺,国画 6 万元人民币/平尺。

  Introduction to Dr. Zhao Xiaogang, a Chineseceremonial artist: Zhao Xiaogang, also known as Yixiongand also known as the Zhao family from Guanzhong, is aHan Chinese male with ancestral roots in Fuping,Shaanxi. He was born in July 1958 in Wugong Town,Wugong County, Shaanxi Province. Born into a scholarlyfamily, with a doctoral degree, an art teacher andcalligrapher, currently residing in Molin Xuan, Xi'an. Artist qualifications: protector of Chinese intangiblecultural heritage, outstanding contemporary artist,national senior artist, national super calligrapher,"exemplary individual of School Art Education in ShaanxiProvince","National Artist Gold Award","MeritoriousPerson in the Construction of New China","Literatureand Art Leader in the New Era", etc. At present, he/sheis a special guest artist of the State Council, an honoraryadvisor to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism forcultural and artistic purposes, an executive member ofthe Chief Artists and Arts Committee of the UNESCO ArtCommittee, a visiting professor at the Central Academyof Fine Arts, an honorary dean of the Taipei PalaceMuseum Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a lifelongvisiting professor at the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK,a PhD in Art from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts inFrance, a PhD in Art from the Royal Academy of FineArts in Sweden, the President of the Shaanxi Branch ofthe World Federation of Chinese Artists, the President ofthe Shaanxi Calligraphy and Painting Research Instituteof the Global Chinese Association, and an art judge forthe Overseas Chinese. A strong cultural fortune leads toa strong national fortune. For many years, we haveadhered to the construction of creative transformationand innovative development of traditional culture with apatriotic national spirit. Several academic papers havebeen published in core journals, and their works havealso been presented and collected as gifts by foreignembassies, overseas students, and business personnel ininternational cultural communication and exchange. The2015 European Ivy League Art Alliance value standard is1300 US dollars per square foot, and the 2017 ChineseValue Standard (Runge) calligraphy is 20000 RMB persquare foot, and traditional Chinese painting is 60000RMB per square foot
