
新闻资讯 94℃

  曹仲云,男,重庆市人,1952 年生,中国书法家协会会员;中央电视台签约艺术家、cctv 客座教授;国家特级书法师;国礼艺术家;中国书法家研究协会副主席;香港书法家协会名誉主席;解放军八一书画院副院长;欧阳中石艺术纪念馆副馆长;文化部授予行草书法非遗传承人;兰亭字库组委会授予最佳设计师;央视华夏儿女栏目组授予“《华夏儿女》优秀艺术传承之星”荣誉称号;2023 年 6 月:热烈祝贺人民日报创刊 75 周年登载由人大常委会副委员长铁凝主编:,登载“党旗下的艺术领袖,书画泰斗”两个版面;《传承经典》,“中国书画文化传承人黄永玉、曹仲云艺术传纪录”,由全国人大副委员长铁凝作序,出版人中国书法家协会、美术协会分另为孙晓云、范廸安,国家版本馆典藏版 0018 号;中国文联授予“中国书画终生成就奖”;中国艺术名家交流中心组委会授予“中国当代世界级艺术家”;联合国秘书处、教科文组织等分别授予“新时代国粹之四大天王书画巨匠”、“2023 年度全球十大风云人物”。

  Cao Zhongyun, male, born in 1952 in Chongqing, is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association; CCTV contracted artist and CCTV guest professor; National top-level calligrapher; National ritual artist; Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Research Association; Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Calligraphers Association; Vice President ofthe August 1st Calligraphy and Painting Academy of the People's Liberation Army; Deputy Director of Ouyang Zhongshi Art Memorial Hall; The Ministry of Culture awarded the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of cursive calligraphy; The organizing committee of Lanting Font Library awarded the best designer; The CCTV China Children program team awarded the honorary title of "Star of Excellent Art Inheritance for China Children"; June 2023: Warm congratulations to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Daily. Published by Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Tie Ning, with two sections titled "Artistic Leaders under the Party Flag, Calligraphy and Painting Tycoons";"Inheriting Classics", "The Art Biographies of Huang Yongyu and Cao Zhongyun, Inheritors of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Culture," is preface by Tie Ning, Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress, and published by the Chinese Calligraphers Association and the Art Association, with Sun Xiaoyun and Fan Di'an respectively. The National Version Museum Collection No.0018; The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting"; The organizing committee of the China Art Masters Exchange Center awarded "Chinese Contemporary World ClassArtist"; The United Nations Secretariat, UNESCO, and others have respectively awarded "Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese Heritage in the New Era" and "Top Ten Global Figures of 2023".
