
新闻资讯 94℃

  常桂枝,河北沧州盐山人。1994 年广州军区转业,在部队期间曾参加对越反击作战,荣获二等战功一次,三等功六次。毕业于广州书画专修学院,中国书画院院士,中国当代书画名家,中国美术家、书法家协会会员、理事,中央美术学院首席客座教授,国家民族画院特聘书画家,中国国礼艺术家,中国国家博物馆特聘研究员,《CCTV》我要上央视全国青少年书画导师,中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委副主任委员,国家艺术人才非物质文化传承保护人,民族文化艺术传播大使,人民书画家,中国当代名人书画院常务副院长,中国国际艺术家协会副主席,中国孔孟文化研究院副院长,广州市书法协会常务副会长。

  被授予 2020 年当代艺术领军人物,《华夏儿女》优秀艺术传承之星,新时代艺术标杆,中国企业最受关注的百强书画名家,全国百位优秀人民书画家,中国当代最具收藏价值的书画名家,广东文化艺术功勋人物,广州市百位职工艺术家等称号。


  书画作品先后被人民大会堂、中央党校、国家档案馆、国内政界权威机构、美术馆、艺术馆,全国各大企业收藏,深受国内外收藏人士和国际友好人士及港星刘德华收藏。其作品被编入《中国百年书画史》、《中国美术史》、《中国书画名人录》、《中国艺术范本》。作为《特邀最受欢迎的双十大人民书画家献礼全国两会》,作为特邀当代百位书画名家献礼抗战胜利 70 周年作品展、《建军 90 周年特刊庆典》、作为中国新长城艺术家入选举世闻名的“八达岭新长城”,其艺术精品《江山如画》已制作(80X60 厘米)规格镌刻在新长城上;中国邮政作为“中国名片”出版了《中国当代书画名家常桂枝》限量版珍藏邮册一套;出版有沈鹏、何家英、常桂枝《中国书画名家三人集》、与中国书协原主席苏士澍出版有中国最具影响力的艺术名家——苏士澍、常桂枝书法作品集《墨海同舟》、出版有中国当代书法名家——苏士澍、张海、常桂枝书法作品集《笔歌墨舞》,与范迪安、苏士澍、何家英、孙晓云、常桂枝出版《中国艺坛名家<大道同行>》,与中国书法家协会主席孙晓云出版改革开放 45 周年《中国艺术范本》上市发行。

  Chang Guizhi, from Yanshan, Cangzhou, Hebei. In 1994, the Guangzhou Military Region switched careers and participated in the counterattack against Vietnam during his time in the military. He was awarded second class military merit once and third class merit six times. Graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, academician of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, renowned contemporary Chinese calligrapher and painter, member and director of the Chinese Artists and Calligraphers Association, Chief Visiting Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Distinguished Calligrapher and Painter of the National Academy of EthnicPaintings, Chinese National Ritual Artist, Distinguished Researcher of the National Museum of China, I am going to be a National Youth Calligraphy and Painting Mentor on CCTV, and Vice Chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of the Chinese Ethnic Architecture Research Association, National Art Talent Intangible Cultural Heritage Protector, Ambassador for Ethnic Culture and Art Communication,People's Calligrapher and Painter, Executive Vice President of China Contemporary Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Vice President of China International Artists Association,Vice President of China Confucius and Mencius Culture Research Institute, and Executive Vice President of Guangzhou Calligraphy Association.

  Awarded the titles of 2020 Contemporary Art Leader, Excellent Art Inheritance Star of "Chinese Children", New Era Art Benchmark, Top 100 Calligraphers and Painters Most Concerned by Chinese Enterprises, Top 100 Excellent People's Calligraphers and Painters in China, Most Valuable Calligrapher and Painter in Contemporary China, Guangdong Cultural and Art Meritorious Figure, and Guangzhou 100 Worker Artists.

  His works have participated in multiple domestic and international exhibitions and won awards. In the past two years,he has won the "Excellent Award for Calligraphy and Painting Creation" in the Chinese National Art Exchange and Selection Activities, and won the first prize in the Chinese Architecture Calligraphy Competition.

  Calligraphy and painting works have been collected by the Great Hall of the People, the Central Party School, the National Archives, authoritative political institutions in China, art galleries, art galleries, and major enterprises across the country. They are highly sought after by collectors both domestically and internationally, as well as international friendly individuals and Hong Kong star Andy Lau. His works have been included in the "History of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting for a Hundred Years", "History of Chinese Art", "List of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Celebrities", and "Model of Chinese Art". As a special invitation for the Top Ten People's Calligraphers and Painters to present to the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, as well as a special invitation for one hundred contemporary calligraphers and painters to present to the exhibition of works celebrating the 70th anniversary ofthe victory of the Anti Japanese War, a special issue celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army,and as a Chinese New Great Wall artist selected for the world-renowned "Badaling New Great Wall", its artistic masterpiece "picturesque scenery" has been produced (80X60 centimeters) and engraved on the New Great Wall; China Post,as a "business card of China," has published a limited edition collection album of "Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Famous Homely Guizhi"; Published works by Shen Peng,He Jiaying, and Chang Guizhi, as well as works by former chairman of the China Calligraphy Association, Su Shishu, and Chang Guizhi, which are the most influential art masters in China. Published works by Su Shishu and Chang Guizhi, which are all works by contemporary Chinese calligraphers, including Su Shishu, Zhang Hai, and Chang Guizhi. Also published works by Fan Dian, Su Shishu, He Jiaying, and Sun Xiaoyun Chang Guizhi published "Chinese Artists and together with Sun Xiaoyun, the Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, published the 45th anniversary of the reform and opening up, "Chinese Art Model", which was launched and distributed.


  艺通书画 技道双全——记著名书画家常桂枝

  想要在书画艺术上臻入化境,仅仅靠笔墨的外在功底自然是不够的,正所谓书者如也,如其学,如其才,如其志,总之曰如其人而已。故而良好的品节修养和深厚的学识才志,才更是成为一名书画大家所不容缺失的重要内在!而纵观当下艺界内外,也是唯有像常桂枝先生这般德艺双馨的人才能堪称书画贤才,书法取道正本清源,五体书法各得其妙, 丹青造诣外师自然,意领笔墨中得心源,如此一幅幅作品,可谓皆是当代传统文人书画艺术的典范之作!



  就从常桂枝先生的行草书法中来看,其行草笔墨的挥毫始终都是有以高韵深情而得坚质浩气,并且对于常桂枝先生而言,行草书法的创作也是最能够体现出自身的笔墨技艺和情感寄托,毕竟它是不会受限于楷书作品的严整范式,同时也更不会呈现出篆隶作品的那种古拙之意,提笔挥毫即可见得功底之高低!而常桂枝先生的行草之作,恰恰就是有着极高的笔墨控制力,用笔时而擒纵自如,以奇取势,时而又起伏迭宕,以动造势,点画更是能在龙蛇竞走中疏密相附,欹斜如醉仙, 锋纤见往来,一笔写至,飞白极逸!如此书功,实无愧于大家风范也!


  中国丹青艺术的画道,向来都是以写意为先,尤其山水取景者,更是有制度时因,搜妙创真的取法真谛。而常桂枝先生作为书画大家,其丹青造诣自然也是有深谙于此道,一幅幅山水佳作,全然都是经由其澄怀观道后的写意臻品!画中景象,既没有压迫十足的高峰之险,也没有洪水滔天的飞瀑长河,唯有山水之清幽,疏林之静穆,或清秀劲拔, 或淋漓氤氲,让人见幽人山客而思居,见岩扃泉石而思游,写意虚实处, 墨色晕染时,绘尽胸中之丘壑,彰显古意之盎然!

  艺通书画,技道双全。作为当代书画艺术界内公认的砥柱人物, 常桂枝先生的书画造诣之高必然是毋庸置疑,但他本人却从没有因此忘乎所以,反而是以相当坦然的心态来面对一切。究其原因,或许是能从孙过庭的“复归平正”中参悟一二。常桂枝先生习艺书画数十余年载, 对技道的追求早已大成,所以他现如今追求的,则是变成了一种精神上的立意寄托,即览天地之心,推圣人之情,手与神运,艺从心得, 书画之道当如此!

  著名书画艺术评论家 罗扬 2023 年 11 月 7 日 书于北京
