
新闻资讯 126℃



  黄库书法代表作品被广泛收入国际、国内书画经典,并登上国际、国内邮票和景德镇瓷器及纽约时代广场纳斯达克大屏。12 生肖作品已经成为具有标志性的特色文化品牌产品。书法代表集《强国复兴有我•中国脊梁》(黄库•卷),人民出版社出版发行。入选史册典籍《印象中国》和《中国书法兰亭奖精品集》等。辞书代表著作《辞类》(300 万字),耗十年心血,1993 年出版发行,填补中国辞书空白。入选《中国社会科学工具书捡索大典》,全国公共图书馆和各大专院校图书馆均有收藏并流经海外。


  黄库是中国孔子奖章、法国艺术及文学骑士勋章、俄罗斯文化骑士勋章获得者,还被授予“中华传奇”、“一代宗师”、“人民艺术家”、“世界殿堂级艺术家”、“国际和平艺术家” 、“世界非物质文化终身成就奖”、“联合国非物质文化功勋”、第八届“中国书法兰亭奖•终身成就奖”、“第十六届精神文明建设‘五个一工程’优秀作品奖(美术)”、“中国书画终身成就奖”、“2023 国家文艺泰斗丰碑奖”、“第95 届奥斯卡终身艺术成就金奖”、“文明互鉴奠基人”、“中国国粹文化四大天王”等荣誉称号。2015 年成立“黄库艺术研究会”,2021 年成立“黄库艺术馆”(北京)。中央电视台人物专访片有《写意人生——黄库》(2012 年)、《黄库艺术人生》(2019 年)等。其传略入录《世界名人录》、《世界文化名人辞海》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《中国语言学人名大辞典》等。


  Huang Ku (1957-), pen name Lion Roar Dragon Song, and vegetarian name Mojitang, born in Zixing, Hunan. Born into an educational family. The "educated youth" who went to the countryside to join the queue are members of the Communist Party of China. Honorary academician. Famous calligrapher, calligraphy theorist, poet, scholar, lexicographer, and national ritual artist. The founder of "Mo School" art, the master of "Hundred Changes Calligraphy", the founder of "Yi Shu" calligraphy, and the theoretical founder of Chinese calligraphy.

  Huang Ku pursues the "versatility" of calligraphy and the"uniqueness" of his works. The establishment of disciplinary theories such as "Hundred Variations Calligraphy" and "GongyiCalligraphy" has opened up a new path for Chinese calligraphy,enabling it to move from "imitation" learning to "non imitation" learning, from "patterned" art to "non patterned"art, from the "Gongyi Calligraphy" era to the "Gongyi Calligraphy" era, from "experiential" calligraphy to"scientific and rational" calligraphy, forming a complete artistic form of Chinese calligraphy and gradually moving towards disciplinary art categories.

  Huang Ku's representative calligraphy works have been widely recognized as international and domestic calligraphy and painting classics, and have been featured on international and domestic stamps, Jingdezhen porcelain, and the Nasdaq screen in Times Square, New York. The 12 zodiac signs have become iconic cultural brand products. The representative collection of calligraphy, "China's Backbone in the Revival of a Strong Country" (Huang Ku Volume), published and distributed by People's Publishing House. Selected historical classics such as "Impression of China" and "Collection of Fine Works of Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award". The representative work of the dictionary, "Ci Lei" (3 million words), took ten years of hard work and was published and distributed in 1993, filling the gap in Chinese dictionaries. Selected for the "ChineseSocial Science Reference Book Collection and Retrieval Encyclopedia", both national public libraries and libraries of various colleges and universities have collections and flow overseas.


  Huang Ku is a recipient of the Chinese Confucius Medal, the French Arts and Literature Knight Medal, and the Russian Culture Knight Medal. He has also been awarded the "Chinese Legend", "Grandmaster", "People's Artist", "World Hall level Artist", "International Peace Artist", "World Intangible Culture Lifetime Achievement Award", "United Nations Intangible Culture Merit", the 8th "Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award Lifetime Achievement Award", the "Excellent Works Award (Fine Arts) of the 16th" Five One Project "forSpiritual Civilization Construction", the "Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", the"2023 National Literary and Art Master Monument Award", the"95th Oscar Lifetime Art Achievement Gold Award", and "Honorary titles such as" Founder of Civilization Mutual Learning "and"Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese National Essence Culture ". The"Huangku Art Research Association" was established in 2015, and the "Huangku Art Museum" (Beijing) was established in 2021.CCTV's personal interview films include "Freehand Life - Huang Ku" (2012) and "Huang Ku Art Life" (2019). His biography has been included in "World Celebrity List", "World Cultural Celebrity Dictionary", "Chinese Contemporary Art Celebrity List", "Chinese Linguistics Name Dictionary", and so on.
