
新闻资讯 85℃

  黄庆享,号石溪山人,专攻中国山水画,亦精花卉、书法。幼承家学渊源,出身书香门第,受其祖父家训教诲,惟德学、惟志向,早年酷爱中国书画艺术。1987 一 1989 年攻读完成了中国书画函授大学全部课程,1997 年研修全国高等教育古代汉语公共课书法专业,2002 年受教于恩师张仃先生,2007年考入中国艺术研究院硕士研究生山水画创作研究工作室,专职画家。现为国家文化部艺术中心高级书画师,国家一级美术师,中国行业发展研究中心高级研究员,牛津艺术学院研究生导师。中国美术家协会山东分会会员,北京蘭亭书画院副院长,中国网络资讯台艺术频道…艺术顾问,中国东方文化研究会研究员,雅昌艺术网艺术家会员,中国国际文学艺术家协会常务理事,世界教科文组织专家成员。

  几十年来,全身心投入中国画艺术,不断苦心追求其艺术之最高境界,潜心学习和研究历代绘画之笔墨精神,系统地对山水画的文化内涵和文化理念、美学、及中国哲学史上佛教的禅宗对艺术的影响,庄子主张审美同宇宙生命力的“天地精神”等美学思想的研究。在中国画革新与发展上,坚持走弘扬民族文化精神为主导的出新之路,不断探索,在中国画艺术创作实践中将历史、大地、山河、玉宇大千归于心象,以写胸中丘壑积淀出雄浑、空灵、博大和崇高的笔墨意境,立足形成自己的艺术语言,作品被当代著名画家李宝林先生评价为;“该作品表现的是禅宗的思想,禅学的境界”。2009 年建国 60 周年,(中国水墨之美)黄庆享艺术专題片公开发行,并在央视播放,评论文章由纪录频道著名配音大家李易解说。

  2010 年应邀参加故宫金秋招待会和故宫博物院、中国美协主办“中国当代书画名家作品展”,作品《青山松涛》被故宫博物馆收藏。

  2014 年被文化部和国家人力资源保障部等部委联合审批为“高级书画师”,并颁发国家艺术人才高级资格证书。

  2015 年作品《永恒》入编人民日报海外版首届中国画“强元”学术提名展,入编〈国风•文脉〉典集,作品被人民日报海外版收藏。

  2015年作品及论文"中国画的民族性和文化价值"入编西泠印社出版发行大 8 开【当代杰出艺术家】。

  2017 年赴港参加庆祝香港回归 20 周年书画展。2018 年参加中俄文化大集,被评为国礼工程艺术家,作品已被雅昌艺术品鉴定中心进行 DAN 鉴定备案,提供了版权登记保护和藏家的安全保障。

  2019 年参加中国文化部举办"2019 首届中国顶级书画大师大赛",荣获特等奖,文化部实名认证,荣誉参加首届中国顶级书画大师全球巡展,作品《华夏根柢》被意大利佛罗伦萨博物馆收藏,颁发意大利博物馆收藏证书、奖杯、中外书画交流形象大使聘书。2020 年中国首届中华艺术国际书画展赛,作品《洪荒之聚》获一等奖第一名,文化部实名认证,人民美术出版社岀版《艺坛丰碑一一当代艺术大师典集》,全球发行。作品《东方神韵》2020 丝绸之路中意建交 50 周年《丝绸巅峰国际巡展》,在意大利乌菲齐美术馆举行。

  2020 年中国管理科学院区域开革发展研究所经济研究中心,黄庆享艺术科学研究课题申报,课题名称:《文化符号文化元素与中国画的民族共识》,已通过了准予立项、结题、评选、获奖等严格的审批程序。经课题专家组决定,《文化符号文化元素与中国画的民族共识》,(课题编号:YSO252)已完成研究任务,该研究成果已纳入中管院研究中心最新科研成果,经鉴定组一致同意,该课题荣获科研项目贰等奖。(录入囯家人才库,中国知网信息资料权威公示)该奖项为2020 年首次艺术课题全部申报中最高奖。

  2021 年《光辉历程》中国美术出版总社建党一百周年《中国美术名家邀请展》;2022 年献礼二十大,代表作品入编《中国功勋艺术家》三人集,国内外发行。

  2022 年"第九届经典与风范一一当代美术名家邀请展”在中国囯国家画院美术馆举行;2022 年入编中华书画非遗传承人物年鉴;并载入 2035 年文化强国贡献艺术家备案数据库系统。2023 年春,国家两会之际,应邀中央电视台视频媒体的个人专访,视频访谈在各大媒体宣传报道。入编雅昌艺术中心百科网,为中外藏家提供预览和作品鉴证;2023 年由国务院批准,中华人民共和国文化和旅游部主管、民政部注册登记的中国东方文化研究会艺术委员会,鉴于您的艺术创作领域取得的突出成就,经全国社会艺术文化产业代表大会研究决定,特授予黄庆享先生“最具影响力艺术人物”荣誉称号,颁发证书、奖杯。2023 年 12 月,题目把美术创作写到民族复兴的历史上,栏目组,为中国美术培根铸魂,一一黄庆享专访,文字及作品,在国家主流多家媒体转播报道。


  Huang Qingxiang, also known as Shixi Shanren, specializes in Chinese landscape painting and is skilled in flowers and calligraphy. Having inherited a family background and came from a scholarly family, he was taught by his grandfather's family teachings and pursued only moral education and ambition. In his early years, he had a great love for Chinesecalligraphy and painting art. I completed all the courses at the Correspondence University of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting from 1987 to 1989. In 1997, I studied calligraphy as a national public course in ancient Chinese language for higher education.In 2002, I was taught by my mentor Mr. Zhang Ding. In 2007, I was admitted to the Landscape Painting Creation and Research Studio of the Chinese Academy of Arts as a full-time painter. I am currently a senior calligrapher and painter at the Art Center of the Ministry of Culture of China, a national first-class artist, a senior researcher at the China Industry Development Research Center, and a graduate supervisor at the Oxford School of Arts. Member of the Shandong Branch of the China Artists Association, Vice President of the Beijing Lanting Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Art Consultant of the China Network Information Channel, Researcher of the China Oriental Culture Research Association, Artist Member of the Yachang Art Network, Executive Director of the China International Literary and Artist Association, and Expert Member of the UNESCO.

  On the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2009, Huang Qingxiang's art themed film"Beauty of Chinese Ink and wash" was publicly released and broadcasted on CCTV. The commentary article was explained by Li Yi, a famous voice actor on the Documentary Channel.

  In 2010, he was invited to participate in the Golden Autumn Reception of the Palace Museum and the "Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters" hosted by the Palace Museum and the China Artists Association. His work "Qingshan Songtao" was collected by the Palace Museum.

  In 2014, he was jointly approved as a "Senior Calligrapher and Painter" by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China, and was awarded the National Advanced Qualification Certificate for Art Talents.

  In 2015, the work "Eternal" was included in the first Chinese Painting "Strong Yuan" Academic Nomination Exhibition of the Overseas Edition of People's Daily, and was included in the "National Style and Context" collection. The work was collected by the Overseas Edition of People's Daily.

  In 2015, his work and paper "The Nationality and Cultural Value of Chinese Painting" were included in the 8th edition of "Contemporary Outstanding Artists" published and distributed by Xiling Seal Engraving Society.

  In 2017, I went to Hong Kong to participate in a calligraphy and painting exhibition celebrating the 20th anniversary ofHong Kong's return. In 2018, he participated in the China Russia Cultural Exhibition and was awarded the title of National Ritual Engineering Artist. His works have been appraised and recorded by the Yachang Art Appraisal Center through DAN, providing copyright registration protection and security protection for collectors.

  In 2019, he participated in the "2019 Top Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters Competition" organized by the Ministry of Culture of China and won a special prize. He was certified by the Ministry of Culture's real name and honored to participate in the first Global Tour of Top Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters. His work "The Roots of China" was collected by the Florence Museum in Italy, and he was awarded the Italian Museum Collection Certificate, Trophy, and Appointment Letter of Image Ambassador for Chinese and Foreign Calligraphy and Painting Exchange.

  In the first Chinese Art International Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in 2020, the work "Gathering in the Wilderness" won first prize and was certified by the Ministry of Culture with real name. The People's Fine Arts Publishing House published the "Monument to the Art World - Collection of Contemporary Art Masters", which was distributed globally.The work "Oriental Charm" was held at the Ufizi Art Museum in Italy for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy on the Silk Road in 2020.

  In 2020, Huang Qingxiang, from the Economic Research Center of the Regional Development Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, applied for a research project on art and science. The project was titled"Cultural Symbols and Cultural Elements and the National Consensus of Chinese Painting" and has passed strict approval procedures for project approval, conclusion, selection, and award. According to the decision of the project expert group, the research task of "Cultural Symbols, Cultural Elements and National Consensus of Chinese Painting" (project number:YSO252) has been completed, and the research results have been included in the latest scientific research results of the Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Management. With the unanimous agreement of the appraisal group, the project has won the second prize of the scientific research project. (Entered into the national talent pool and published by authoritative information sources on China National KnowledgeInfrastructure) This award is the highest award among all art projects submitted for the first time in 2020.

  2021 "Glorious Journey" China Art Publishing House's 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China "Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Art Masters"; In 2022, as a tribute to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, his representative works were included in the three person collection of "Chinese Meritorious Artists" and distributed domestically and internationally.

  The 9th Classic and Style - Contemporary Art Masters Invitation Exhibition will be held at the Art Museum of the National Academy of Painting in China in 2022; In 2022,included in the Yearbook of Inheritance Figures of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Intangible Cultural Heritage; And load it into the 2035 Cultural Power Contribution Artist Registration Database System.

  In the spring of 2023, on the occasion of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, I was invited to conduct a personal interview with CCTV video media, which was promoted and reported in various media outlets. Incorporated into the Encyclopedia of Yachang Art Center, providing previews andartwork authentication for collectors from both China and abroad; In 2023, approved by the State Council, under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Art Committee of the China Oriental Culture Research Association. In view of your outstanding achievements in the field of artistic creation, and after deliberation and decision by the National Congress of the Arts and Cultural Industry, Mr. Huang Qingxiang is hereby awarded the honorary title of "Most Influential Artist" and presented with certificates and trophies. In December 2023, the title will write about art creation in the history of national rejuvenation. The program team will cast the soul for Chinese art Bacon. One by one, Huang Qingxiang will conduct an exclusive interview, and the text and works will be broadcasted and reported on in multiple mainstream national media.

  My personal biography has been included in several historical books, including the Chinese Art Yearbook, the Chinese Art Chronicle, the Selected Works of Chinese Art, the Chinese Art Atlas, and the Shandong Art Complete Book. My works and reviews have been featured in media such as CCTV and People's Daily, and have been published multiple times.Many exquisite works have been collected by collectors and national institutions at home and abroad, and have been recognized by experts and collectors. Especially in Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, as well as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, it is widely spread and has a significant influence.




  Huang Qingxiang creates masterpieces that resonate with millions of people. His artistic talent is different from that of the masses. His works have obvious uniqueness, distinctiveness, uniqueness, and non replicability. He is a master of exceptional talent and uniqueness.

  Sincerely invite Mr. Huang Qingxiang, who is full of honors, to participate in the "Masters in the Eyes of Masters" event, inheriting the most artistic charm of the past and shining today.
