
新闻资讯 116℃

陈德化,法名:释光德,别名:阿德、阿化、粤北山人。高级美术师,清华大学美术学院客座教授,孔子美术馆客座教授。师从黄独峰,万兆元,李涵,擅长书法、工笔人物重彩,研习敦煌壁画,藏传佛教壁画及唐卡,永乐宫壁画,法海寺壁画等佛教绘画四十余年。中国国画院画家,中国民族研究院理事,中国国学研究院理事,杭州画院特聘画家,中国古文字研究会会员,北京东方美术馆艺术家协会会员,广东省文化学会书画专业委员会理事,香港中国书法家协会副秘书长,画圣吴道子艺术馆理事。广州国际艺术博览会组委会《艺时代集团》签约艺术家,2022 年获得中华人民共和国文化和旅游部“21 世纪《一代艺术大师》荣誉称号”。在全国书画大赛中多次获奖,《莲花夫人》由画圣吴道子艺术馆永久收藏,《释迦说法图》由广东曲江南华禅寺藏经阁永久收藏,《五百罗汉》由湖州常照寺永久收藏,《千手千眼观世音菩萨》由南海西樵山宝丰寺永久收藏,巨幅书法作品《般若波罗蜜多心经》由广东始兴上奉寺藏经阁收藏等,作品入编《中国书画名家集》、《百年中国书画名家名录》、《全国当代书画名人名作精品集》、《中国书画藏典》、《现代中国绘画》、《中国当代名人手迹大辞典》等,个人辞条入编《世界优秀专家人才名典》,出版个人专集《一代名家陈德化》,收藏鉴赏杂志專刋《艺术家陈德化》等。

Chen Dehua, French name: Shi Guangde, alias: Ade, Ahua, Shanren from northern Guangdong. Senior Artist, Visiting Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, and Visiting Professor at the Confucius Museum. Studied under Huang Dufeng, Wan Zhaoyuan, and Li Han, skilled in calligraphy andmeticulous figure painting. Studied Dunhuang murals,Tibetan Buddhist murals, thangkas, Yongle Palace murals, Fahai Temple murals, and other Buddhist paintings for more than 40 years. Painter of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, Directorof the Chinese Academy of Ethnic Studies, Directorof the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Studies, Specially Appointed Painter of the Hangzhou Academy of Painting, Member of the Chinese Ancient Script Research Association, Member of the Beijing Oriental Art Museum Artists Association, Director ofthe Calligraphy and Painting Professional Committeeof the Guangdong Cultural Society, Deputy Secretary General of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, and Director of the Painting Saint Wu Daozi Art Museum. The organizing committee of the Guangzhou International Art Fair, Art Times Group, signed an artist contract and was awarded the honorarytitle of "21st Century Master of Art" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republicof China in 2022. He has won many awards in the national painting and calligraphy competition. Lady Lotus is permanently collected by the painting saintWu Daozi Art Museum, Sakyamuni Saying is permanently collected by the Sutra Pavilion of Huachan Temple in Qujiangnan, Guangdong, Five Hundred Arhat is permanently collected by Changzhao Temple in Huzhou,Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with Thousand Hands andThousand Eyes is permanently collected by BaofengTemple in Xiqiao Mountain, South China Sea, and thehuge calligraphy work Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra is permanently collected by the Sutra Pavilion of Shangfeng Temple in Shixing, Guangdong. His works areincluded in the Collection of Chinese Painting andCalligraphy Masters, the List of Chinese Paintingand Calligraphy Masters for a Century, and the National Collection of Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Masters, Collection of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, Modern Chinese Painting, Dictionary ofChinese Contemporary Celebrities' Handwriting, etc.,and his personal words were included in the WorldFamous Expert Talent Dictionary, and his personal monograph Chen Dehua, Collecting and appreciating magazines such as "Artist Chen Dehua".
